Louisa Drew


Is Louisa Drew Dead or Still Alive? Louisa Drew Birthday and Age

Louisa Drew

Louisa Drew Death Fact Check

Louisa is alive and kicking.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Louisa Drew - Biography

Louisa Lane Drew (January 10, 1820 – August 31, 1897 in Philadelphia) was a British-American actress and theater owner.She and her husband John Drew were the parents of Louisa Drew, John Drew, Jr. and Georgie Drew (Barrymore). The Drews owned the Arch Street Theatre, where they staged performances, and she managed the business. After her husband`s death Mrs Drew adopted a baby boy and named him Sidney. She was the grandmother of John Barrymore, Ethel Barrymore and Lionel Barrymore. Her other grand children were Georgie Drew Mendum an actress(from her daughter Louisa) and Louise Drew (Mrs Jack Devereaux) also an actress(from her son John Drew Jr) as well as S. Rankin Drew, Sidney`s son. She is the Great-Great-Grandmother of Drew Barrymore.She appeared in plays with Junius Brutus Booth Sr. and his son, John Wilkes Booth. The younger Booth assassinated U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. In the mid 1890s the aged Mrs Drew appeared in an all star revival of Sheridan`s The Rivals. In 1897 an ailing Louisa Drew spent the summer at her annual Larchmont, New York retreat with her grandsons Lionel & John Barrymore. She died at the end of August 1897 aged 77.