Luiz de Barros


Is Luiz de Barros Dead or Still Alive? Luiz de Barros Birthday and Date of Death

Luiz de Barros

Luiz de Barros Death

Luiz passed away in 1982 at the age of 88.

Luiz de Barros death quick facts:
  • When did Luiz de Barros die?

  • How old was Luiz de Barros when died?


Luiz de Barros Birthday and Date of Death

Luiz de Barros was born on September 12, 1893 and died in 1982. Luiz was 88 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 12, 1893
Date of Death: 1982
Age at Death: 88

Luiz de Barros - Biography

Luiz de Barros (September 12, 1893 – 1982) was a prominent Brazilian film director, film producer, film editor, screenwriter, cinematographer, film actor and set designer and manager who played a key role in Brazilian film production from the early silent era around 1914 through to the late 1970s. One of his trademarks was taking responsibility of nearly every department of the production of his films.