Lupita Tovar


Is Lupita Tovar Dead or Still Alive? Lupita Tovar Birthday and Date of Death

Lupita Tovar

Lupita Tovar Death

Guadalupe passed away on November 12, 2016 at the age of 106 in Los Angeles, California, United States. Guadalupe's cause of death was heart failure.

Lupita Tovar death quick facts:
  • When did Lupita Tovar die?

    November 12, 2016
  • How did Lupita Tovar die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart failure
  • How old was Lupita Tovar when died?

  • Where did Lupita Tovar die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, United States

Lupita Tovar Birthday and Date of Death

Lupita Tovar was born on July 27, 1910 and died on November 12, 2016. Guadalupe was 106 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 27, 1910
Date of Death: November 12, 2016
Age at Death: 106

Lupita Tovar - Biography

Guadalupe Natalia "Lupita" Tovar Sullivan (July 27, 1910 – November 12, 2016), known and professionally billed as Lupita Tovar, was a Mexican-American actress and centenarian best known for her starring role in the 1931 Spanish language version of Dracula, filmed in Los Angeles by Universal Pictures at night using the same sets as the Bela Lugosi version, but with a different cast and director. She also starred in the 1932 film Santa, one of the first Mexican sound films, and one of the first commercial Spanish-language sound films.