Lynda Wiesmeier


Is Lynda Wiesmeier Dead or Still Alive? Lynda Wiesmeier Birthday and Date of Death

Lynda Wiesmeier

Lynda Wiesmeier Death

Lynda passed away on December 16, 2012 at the age of 49 in Ramona, California, USA. Lynda's cause of death was brain tumor.

Lynda Wiesmeier death quick facts:
  • When did Lynda Wiesmeier die?

    December 16, 2012
  • How did Lynda Wiesmeier die? What was the cause of death?

    Brain tumor
  • How old was Lynda Wiesmeier when died?

  • Where did Lynda Wiesmeier die? What was the location of death?

    Ramona, California, USA

Lynda Wiesmeier Birthday and Date of Death

Lynda Wiesmeier was born on May 30, 1963 and died on December 16, 2012. Lynda was 49 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 30, 1963
Date of Death: December 16, 2012
Age at Death: 49

Lynda Wiesmeier - Biography

Lynda Ann Wiesmeier (pronounced WEES-myer, May 30, 1963 – December 16, 2012) was an American model and actress. Her debut film was American Pop.
Wiesmeier was selected as both cover model and Playmate of the Month for the July 1982 issue of Playboy magazine, and her centerfold was photographed by Richard Fegley.

Daughter of an Air Force doctor, Lynda and her family traveled throughout the United States and into Germany before they settled in Los Angeles. She was working as a receptionist in a doctor's office when she was discovered by Playboy, though she already had worked a bit as an actress and model.
Wiesmeier also appeared in several Playboy newsstand special editions and videos, and worked steadily for Playboy for more than five years after she graced the magazine's fold-out page, first as a nude glamour and pin-up model, and then as a promotional model and a feature reporter for the Playboy Channel. She died in December 2012 due to a brain tumor.