Marcel Jacob Death
Marcel passed away on July 21, 2009 at the age of 45 in Kristineberg, Stockholm, Sweden. Marcel's cause of death was suicide.
Marcel Jacob death quick facts:
When did Marcel Jacob die?
July 21, 2009How did Marcel Jacob die? What was the cause of death?
SuicideHow old was Marcel Jacob when died?
45Where did Marcel Jacob die? What was the location of death?
Kristineberg, Stockholm, Sweden
Marcel Jacob Birthday and Date of Death
Marcel Jacob was born on January 30, 1964 and died on July 21, 2009. Marcel was 45 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: January 30, 1964
Date of Death: July 21, 2009
Age at Death: 45
Marcel Jacob - Biography
Marcel Karl Jacob (January 30, 1964 – July 21, 2009) was a Swedish musician, best known as the bassist in the hard rock bands Talisman and Yngwie Malmsteen. For a brief period Marcel also played together with the band Europe.