Margaret Mitchell


Is Margaret Mitchell Dead or Still Alive? Margaret Mitchell Birthday and Date of Death

Margaret Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell Death

Margaret passed away on August 16, 1949 at the age of 48 in Grady Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Margaret's cause of death was hit by a car.

Margaret Mitchell death quick facts:
  • When did Margaret Mitchell die?

    August 16, 1949
  • How did Margaret Mitchell die? What was the cause of death?

    Hit by a car
  • How old was Margaret Mitchell when died?

  • Where did Margaret Mitchell die? What was the location of death?

    Grady Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Margaret Mitchell Birthday and Date of Death

Margaret Mitchell was born on November 8, 1900 and died on August 16, 1949. Margaret was 48 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 8, 1900
Date of Death: August 16, 1949
Age at Death: 48

Is Margaret Mitchell's father, Eugene Muse Mitchell, dead or alive?

Eugene Muse Mitchell's information is not available now.

Is Margaret Mitchell's mother, Maybelle Mitchell, dead or alive?

Maybelle Mitchell's information is not available now.

Margaret Mitchell - Biography

Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell was an American author and journalist. One novel by Mitchell was published during her lifetime, the American Civil War-era novel, Gone with the Wind, for which she won the National Book Award for Most Distinguished Novel of 1936 and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937. In more recent years, a collection of Mitchell's girlhood writings and a novella she wrote as a teenager, Lost Laysen, have been published. A collection of articles written by Mitchell for The Atlanta Journal was republished in book form.