Margaret Moser


Is Margaret Moser Dead or Still Alive? Margaret Moser Birthday and Date of Death

Margaret Moser

Margaret Moser Death

Margaret passed away on August 25, 2017 at the age of 63 in San Antonio, Texas, United States. Margaret's cause of death was cancer.

Margaret Moser death quick facts:
  • When did Margaret Moser die?

    August 25, 2017
  • How did Margaret Moser die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Margaret Moser when died?

  • Where did Margaret Moser die? What was the location of death?

    San Antonio, Texas, United States

Margaret Moser Birthday and Date of Death

Margaret Moser was born on May 16, 1954 and died on August 25, 2017. Margaret was 63 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 16, 1954
Date of Death: August 25, 2017
Age at Death: 63

Margaret Moser - Biography

Margaret Moser (May 16, 1954 – August 25, 2017), or Margaret Moser Malone, was an American journalist, music enthusiast, critic and historian, groupie, and backup singer. She was best known for her work as the director of the Austin Music Awards (AMA) in the South by Southwest festival and for her career in music journalism and criticism, which lasted more than thirty years. Moser also supported young artists, helping them get started and finding appropriate venues where they could play. She has been called the "patron saint of Austin music" by the Paramount Theatre.