Martin Guigui


Is Martin Guigui Dead or Still Alive? Martin Guigui Birthday and Age

Martin Guigui

How Old Is Martin Guigui? Martin Guigui Birthday

Martin Guigui was born on June 26, 1965 and is 59 years old now.

Birthday: June 26, 1965
How Old - Age: 59

Martin Guigui Death Fact Check

Martin is alive and kicking and is currently 59 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Martin Guigui - Biography

Martin Guigui is an award winning Film Director and established Musician and Music Producer. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, son of famed Symphony Orchestra Conductor Efrain Guigui, Martin grew up in New York, Puerto Rico and Vermont. He began playing music at age 4 and studied Film and Music at Hofstra University, soon thereafter winning several festival awards for his shorts and documentary films. Guigui directed and produced music driven documentaries about Dizzy Gillespie, Lionel Hampton and Sun Ra. He worked as a sound engineer at ABC News and enjoyed acting stints, co-starring in the indie cult classic Time Chasers (1994). Guigui then wrote his first feature film, My X-Girlfriend's Wedding Reception (1999) and went on to direct and star in the quirky comedy starring Dom DeLuise and Debbie Gibson. Tooted as the "Spinal Tap of wedding receptions",My X-Girlfriend's Wedding Reception (1999) won critical acclaim in the Festival circuit and launched Guigui's career as a Writer/Director. Martin has gone on to work with some of Hollywood's most notable stars. A grounding quality of Martin Guigui's heart and soul is his extensive musical background. As a Producer, Pianist and Hammond B-3 player, he has worked with Billy Gibbons, Daryl Hall, Warren Haynes, Smokey Robinson, James Cotton, Steve Earle, John Popper, Sheila E, Eric Johnson, Jake Owen, Joan Osborne, Bo Didley, Billy Ray Cyrus, Jose Feliciano, Don McClean, Rita Coolidge, Randy Scruggs, Phish, Bret Michaels, Talking Heads, Eddie Money, NRBQ, Steve Forbert, Matthew Sweet, and Sandra Wright to name a few. Guigui has built a reputation as a skilled composer whose work has appeared in Independent Films, Network Television, and National Radio. He also wrote music for children's programming, has received numerous Billboard Awards for his songwriting, ASCAP Performance Awards, has been recognized by the Television Academy of Arts and Sciences, is the proud recipient of the Caesar Award, Estabrook Award, and was honored by the City of Los Angeles for his contributions to arts education. Guigui is President of Sunset Pictures and Old School Records, and actively involved in charity events for Wall Street Rocks, Prevention Of Child Abuse and Mr. Hollands Opus Foundation. Guigui is a member of the DGA, WGA, NARAS, SAG, ASCAP.