Martin Joseph


Is Martin Joseph Dead or Still Alive? Martin Joseph Birthday and Age

Martin Joseph

How Old Is Martin Joseph? Martin Joseph Birthday

Martin Joseph was born on October 23, 1959 and is 65 years old now.

Birthday: October 23, 1959
How Old - Age: 65

Martin Joseph Death Fact Check

Martin is alive and kicking and is currently 65 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Martin Joseph - Biography

Martin`s distinguishing feature used to be his took him 10 min of work every morning to form them with gel,spray and fen.He used to earn his living`s in "civil" life at once insurance agency.Ironic that it was his boss who brought Martin to Silent Circle.Being a friend of producer Bernd Dietrich he introduced to him his employee who has already had popularity among his colleges playing guitar and singing on parties.Martin`s start in music had happened 12 years before Silent Circle achieved wide popularity when he was making first steps on jazz-rock stage with the band called "hochspannung"{"High Voltage"}.In his native town of osterode.In the years of new german wave he had a band called "crew",and by the end of 1984 joined Martin the band "Silent Circle" which has brought him worldwide popularity.Martin is not just an owner of uncomeparable voice and extraodinary apperence,he is also talented producer and has written several wonderful songs together with Bernd Dietrich and Engelbert Simons."like a burning star" and "chinese magic" for jessica,of cource,for Silent Circle {"time for love","oh, dont lose your heart tonight"}.Later singles {for example,"what a shame"} and the whole album "back" were composed and produced by Martin and Axel Breitung as well as "sing a song" for his solo project "invisibeT".Finally,the whole album "stories about love" was produced by him in Collaboration with Ekki Steinand Annette Fielmann.Martin was also writing songs for Roy black and Tommy Steiner.Recently he`s been working in his studio at AW music production recording the new single.Silent Circle manager Andreas Weihs promised us the next good news in the first weeks of 1999.