Mary Jane Kelly


Is Mary Jane Kelly Dead or Still Alive? Mary Jane Kelly Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Jane Kelly

Mary Jane Kelly Death

Mary passed away on November 9, 1888 at the age of 25.

Mary Jane Kelly death quick facts:
  • When did Mary Jane Kelly die?

    November 9, 1888
  • How old was Mary Jane Kelly when died?


Mary Jane Kelly Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Jane Kelly was born on August 25, 1863 and died on November 9, 1888. Mary was 25 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 25, 1863
Date of Death: November 9, 1888
Age at Death: 25

Is Mary Jane Kelly's father, John Kelly, dead or alive?

Mary Jane Kelly's father, John Kelly, is still alive and kicking at the age of 57.

Is Mary Jane Kelly's mother, Livinia Kelly, dead or alive?

Livinia Kelly's information is not available now.

Mary Jane Kelly's brother :

  • Henry Kelly

Mary Jane Kelly - Biography

Mary Jane Kelly, also known as Marie Jeanette Kelly, "Fair Emma", "Ginger" and "Black Mary", is widely believed to be the final victim of the notorious unidentified serial killer Jack the Ripper, who killed and mutilated several women in the Whitechapel area of London from late August to early November 1888. She was about 25 years old, and living in poverty at the time of her death. Reports of the time estimated her height at 5 feet and 7 inches. Her hair colour is somewhat uncertain as her various nicknames imply.