Maya Gallo


Is Maya Gallo Dead or Still Alive? Maya Gallo Birthday and Age

Maya Gallo

How Old Is Maya Gallo? Maya Gallo Birthday

Maya Gallo was born on January 1, 2017 and is 8 years old now.

Birthday: January 1, 2017
How Old - Age: 8

Maya Gallo Death Fact Check

Maya is alive and kicking and is currently 8 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Maya Gallo's father, Jack Gallo, dead or alive?

Jack Gallo's information is not available now.

Maya Gallo - Biography

Maya was largely portrayed as a buxom, hot-tempered, sassy journalist who took a job at the fictional glamour fashion magazine Blush, which happened to be owned by her father Jack Gallo, in the pilot after she was fired for tampering with an anchorwoman's teleprompter and making her cry on the air. She was a dichotomy on several levels, with her headstrong smarts coupled against a naïveté about life and sometimes even love. Though she was also clearly attractive and would on occasion use this if a situation called for it, Maya frowned upon men looking at women solely as objects of sexual desire, and in keeping with her feminist views, instead encouraged people to admire women for their intelligence or other attributes. Unfortunately for her, this was not a popular view for a fashion magazine and it therefore put her at odds with much of the magazine's staff thus providing much of the comedic conflict of the series.She is usually mistaken for a Puerto Rican. Her birthday is January 1, but her father Jack is unable to remember it. In the episode "Nina Van Grandma" Jack claims "I was in that delivery room 14 hours on the hottest day of the year..... then why did it snow today"). Maya was often shown dating on the show. She and Elliot were a couple for quite some time, and they were briefly engaged. Among her other dates were Michael Tenzer (David Rasche), Chris (Dean Cain), Ray Liotta and another man named Chris (Joe Rogan). Although she was involved in several relationships, she was never depicted getting (legally) married in the series. She is also very skilled at pitching; when she pitched a baseball to Dennis Finch, he thinks his hand is broken. However, if Maya starts pitching, she can't stop (she wanted to practice softball with Finch in the rain).