Mike Rutherford


Is Mike Rutherford Dead or Still Alive? Mike Rutherford Birthday and Age

Mike Rutherford

How Old Is Mike Rutherford? Mike Rutherford Birthday

Mike Rutherford was born on October 2, 1950 and is 74 years old now.

Birthday: October 2, 1950
How Old - Age: 74

Mike Rutherford Death Fact Check

Mike is alive and kicking and is currently 74 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Mike Rutherford - Biography

Michael John Cloete Crawford "Mike" Rutherford (born 2 October 1950) is an English musician. He is a founding member of Genesis and one of the band's only two original members (the other is keyboardist Tony Banks). He used his full name Michael Rutherford in credits on all the group's albums with Peter Gabriel.