Mike Wead


Is Mike Wead Dead or Still Alive? Mike Wead Birthday and Age

Mike Wead

How Old Is Mike Wead? Mike Wead Birthday

Mike Wead was born on April 6, 1967 and is 57 years old now.

Birthday: April 6, 1967
How Old - Age: 57

Mike Wead Death Fact Check

Mike is alive and kicking and is currently 57 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Mike Wead - Biography

Mike Wead (real name Mikael Vikström) is a Swedish guitarist who lives in Stockholm. Wead contributed to heavy metal bands such as Hexenhaus, Memento Mori, Abstrakt Algebra, The Haunted, Edge of Sanity, Witch, Firegod, Candlemass, The Project Hate. Currently Wead is the guitarist of Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, and bibleblack. As a guitarist in King Diamond, Wead shares lead guitar duties with Andy LaRocque. Wead also works as a producer and sound engineer.