Miss Kettlewell


Is Miss Kettlewell Dead or Still Alive? Miss Kettlewell Birthday and Date of Death

Miss Kettlewell

Miss Kettlewell Death

Miss Kettlewell passed away on November 9, 1990 in Chicago,Illinois.

Miss Kettlewell death quick facts:
  • When did Miss Kettlewell die?

    November 9, 1990
  • How old was Miss Kettlewell when died?

  • Where did Miss Kettlewell die? What was the location of death?


Miss Kettlewell Birthday and Date of Death

Miss Kettlewell died on November 9, 1990.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: November 9, 1990
Age at Death: -

Miss Kettlewell - Biography

Miss Kettlewell would get a new student, Andy Barclay ; the new foster son of Joanne and Phil Simpson . What no one knew, was that Chucky aka Charles Lee Ray , the evil Good Guy doll was back and stalking him. One morning, Chucky followed him and Kyle to his new school. During class, while she was reading a story of Pinocchio to the class, it became disrupted. Andy became the target of a school bully, who disrupted the class by teasing him.Not knowing it was him, she thought Andy was the source and scolded him for it. During recess, Chucky snuck into the classroom and found Andy's test paper on the teacher's desk and writes obscenities on it ("f**k you b*tch"). With class dismissed Ms. Kettlewell uncovers Andy's paper and forces him to stay after school for detention. She locks him inside the classroom while she leaves to phone his foster parents after throwing Chucky into the closet (who previously snuck into the classroom play area).