Mitch Murray


Is Mitch Murray Dead or Still Alive? Mitch Murray Birthday and Age

Mitch Murray

How Old Is Mitch Murray? Mitch Murray Birthday

Mitch Murray was born on January 30, 1940 and is 84 years old now.

Birthday: January 30, 1940
How Old - Age: 84

Mitch Murray Death Fact Check

Mitch is alive and kicking and is currently 84 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Mitch Murray - Biography

Mitch Murray (born Lionel Michael Stitcher, 30 January 1940, Hove, Sussex, England), is an English songwriter, record producer and author. He has won two Ivor Novello Awards, including the Jimmy Kennedy Award. Murray has written, or co-written songs, that have produced five UK and three US chart-topping records. He has also been awarded the Gold Badge of Merit by the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors.