Mushy Callahan


Is Mushy Callahan Dead or Still Alive? Mushy Callahan Birthday and Date of Death

Mushy Callahan

Mushy Callahan Death

Vincent (Mushy) passed away on June 14, 1986 at the age of 81.

Mushy Callahan death quick facts:
  • When did Mushy Callahan die?

    June 14, 1986
  • How old was Mushy Callahan when died?


Mushy Callahan Birthday and Date of Death

Mushy Callahan was born on November 4, 1904 and died on June 14, 1986. Vincent (Mushy) was 81 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 4, 1904
Date of Death: June 14, 1986
Age at Death: 81

Mushy Callahan - Biography

Mushy CallahanActive - 1932 - 1963 | Genres - Comedy, Drama, Crime, Romance, WarBiography by Sandra BrennanMushy Callahan was the junior welterweight boxing champion during the late 1920s. He joined the film industry as a prop man and grip for Warner Brothers in 1934. He then was promoted to boxing instructor for studio stars and helped stage the fights for films such as Kid Galahad, Gentle Jim, and Rebel Without a Cause. He was helping James Dean train for his upcoming film Somebody Up There Likes Me when Dean died. Callahan also helped stage the ballet movements for a musical number in Oklahoma. Just before retiring, he trained James Earl Jones for The Great White Hope. The former fighter has also had small parts in several films, including Madison Square Garden, and Hello Dolly!