Noel Purcell


Is Noel Purcell Dead or Still Alive? Noel Purcell Birthday and Date of Death

Noel Purcell

Noel Purcell Death

Patrick passed away on March 3, 1985 at the age of 84 in Dublin, Ireland. Patrick's cause of death was heart failure.

Noel Purcell death quick facts:
  • When did Noel Purcell die?

    March 3, 1985
  • How did Noel Purcell die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart failure
  • How old was Noel Purcell when died?

  • Where did Noel Purcell die? What was the location of death?

    Dublin, Ireland

Noel Purcell Birthday and Date of Death

Noel Purcell was born on December 23, 1900 and died on March 3, 1985. Patrick was 84 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 23, 1900
Date of Death: March 3, 1985
Age at Death: 84

Is Noel Purcell's father, Pierce Purcell, dead or alive?

Pierce Purcell's information is not available now.

Is Noel Purcell's mother, Catherine, dead or alive?

Noel Purcell's mother, Catherine, is still alive and kicking.

Noel Purcell - Biography

Irish actor Noel Purcell graced many a film and TV show with variations of his standard character, the bearded, boozy son of the Auld Sod. Stage-trained in the classics in Dublin, Purcell moved into films in 1934. His days of prominence, which lasted until the '70s, began with 1947's Captain Boycott, and his best part to date was as the elderly salt whose death marooned the lovers-to-be in The Blue Lagoon. Purcell was dominant among Captain Ahab's crew in Moby Dick and highly visible as a gameskeeper in The List of Adrian Messenger (1963), both films directed by John Huston. In 1955 he was an off-and-on regular on the British filmed TV series The Buccaneers (released to American TV in 1956), and in 1959 Purcell narrated a Hibernian documentary, Seven Wonders of Ireland. One of Noel Purcell's best-remembered appearances of the '60s was as Lebanese-American entertainer Danny Williams' tactiturn Irish in-law in a 1963 episode of TV's The Danny Thomas Show.