Oona Chaplin


Is Oona Chaplin Dead or Still Alive? Oona Chaplin Birthday and Date of Death

Oona Chaplin

Oona Chaplin Death

Oona passed away on September 27, 1991 at the age of 66 in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland. Oona's cause of death was pancreatic cancer.

Oona Chaplin death quick facts:
  • When did Oona Chaplin die?

    September 27, 1991
  • How did Oona Chaplin die? What was the cause of death?

    Pancreatic cancer
  • How old was Oona Chaplin when died?

  • Where did Oona Chaplin die? What was the location of death?

    Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland

Oona Chaplin Birthday and Date of Death

Oona Chaplin was born on May 14, 1925 and died on September 27, 1991. Oona was 66 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 14, 1925
Date of Death: September 27, 1991
Age at Death: 66

Is Oona Chaplin's father, Eugene O'Neill, dead or alive?

Oona Chaplin's father, Eugene O'Neill, died on November 27, 1953 as he was 65 years old. His cause of death was cerebellar cortical atrophy.

Is Oona Chaplin's mother, Agnes Boulton, dead or alive?

Agnes Boulton's information is not available now.

Oona Chaplin's brothers :

Oona has 3 brothers:
  • Shane O'Neill
  • Oona Chaplin's brother, Eugene O'Neill, died on November 27, 1953 as he was 65 years old. His cause of death was cerebellar cortical atrophy.

  • Jr

Oona Chaplin - Biography

Oona O'Neil was born in Warwick Parish, Bermuda, the daughter of famed American playwright Eugene O'Neill and English-born socialite Agnes Boulton. Oona had a fairly happy childhood, although she rarely saw her busy father. During her teens Oona attended boarding school in New York where she met Gloria Vanderbilt and Carol Marcus, and in 1941 Oona was named one of the most sought-after débutantes of the social season. Oona felt it was only natural that she become an actress, since she was the daughter of a playwright and the granddaughter of James O'Neill, a noted theater actor during the late 19th century.Oona traveled to Hollywood in 1942 where she met silent film legend Charles Chaplin at the home of her agent. Chaplin began courting Oona after she auditioned for a film he was directing, and the pair married in 1943. He was 54; she was just 18. Oona scrapped plans to become an actress, opting instead to raise a family of what would be eight children with Charlie. Although Oona was content with her life, she was deeply troubled by the failed relationship with her father, who disowned her and cut communication with Oona when she married Chaplin.Oona spent the rest of her life in Vevey, leaving only a few times after Charlie died in 1977 at the age of 88 (Oona was only 51). Oona developed a few close relationships with Hollywood icons, like actor 'Ryan O'Neal (I)', but she never married again. She died in Vevey from pancreatic cancer on September 27th, 1991.