Otto Lang


Is Otto Lang Dead or Still Alive? Otto Lang Birthday and Date of Death

Otto Lang

Otto Lang Death

Otto passed away on January 30, 2006 at the age of 98.

Otto Lang death quick facts:
  • When did Otto Lang die?

    January 30, 2006
  • How old was Otto Lang when died?


Otto Lang Birthday and Date of Death

Otto Lang was born on January 21, 1908 and died on January 30, 2006. Otto was 98 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 21, 1908
Date of Death: January 30, 2006
Age at Death: 98

Otto Lang - Biography

Otto Lang (21 January 1908 – 30 January 2006) was a skier and pioneer ski instructor from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who lived and worked in the United States. He founded ski schools on Mount Rainier, Mount Baker and Mount Hood beginning in the 1930s, and as the director of the ski school at Sun Valley became the ski instructor for Hollywood stars. Later he became a movie director and producer, primarily due to his contacts at Sun Valley. He demonstrated ski techniques in Jerome Hill's documentary Ski Flight (1938) which premiered at Radio City Music Hall.