Oyo Boy Sotto


Is Oyo Boy Sotto Dead or Still Alive? Oyo Boy Sotto Birthday and Age

Oyo Boy Sotto

How Old Is Oyo Boy Sotto? Oyo Boy Sotto Birthday

Oyo Boy Sotto was born on January 12, 1984 and is 41 years old now.

Birthday: January 12, 1984
How Old - Age: 41

Oyo Boy Sotto Death Fact Check

Vittorio is alive and kicking and is currently 41 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Oyo Boy Sotto's father, Vic Sotto, dead or alive?

Vic Sotto's information is not available now.

Is Oyo Boy Sotto's mother, Dina Bonnevie, dead or alive?

Oyo Boy Sotto's mother, Dina Bonnevie, is still alive and kicking at the age of 63. She is Filipino and has had a career as an actress.

Oyo Boy Sotto's sister :

  • Oyo Boy Sotto's sister, Danica Sotto, is still alive and kicking. She is Filipino and has had a career as an actress.

Oyo Boy Sotto - Biography

Vittorio Mari Sotto, also known as Oyo Boy Sotto or simply Oyo Sotto, is a Filipino actor. He is the son of comedian Vic Sotto and actress Dina Bonnevie, nephew of Senator Tito Sotto, and younger brother of actress Danica Sotto and the cousin of the late Miko Sotto.
Marvic Valentin Castelo Sotto (born April 28, 1954) is a Filipino actor,television presenter, comedian, singer and songwriter. He is known for his various television and film projects on the major Philippine television networks GMA, TV5, and ABS-CBN. He is one of three pioneer hosts of Eat Bulaga!, which is the longest-running Philippine noontime variety show.

On January 12, 2011, he married actress Kristine Hermosa. They have four children: Kristian Daniel or Kiel, born August 16, 2008 and the other is their biological daughter, Ondrea Bliss, born December 26, 2011, and a son Kaleb Hanns, born October 11, 2014, and Valentin, born in 2016. He is a born-again Christian and attending Victory.