Paddy Livingston


Is Paddy Livingston Dead or Still Alive? Paddy Livingston Birthday and Date of Death

Paddy Livingston

Paddy Livingston Death

Patrick passed away on September 19, 1977 at the age of 97 in Cleveland, OH.

Paddy Livingston death quick facts:
  • When did Paddy Livingston die?

    September 19, 1977
  • How old was Paddy Livingston when died?

  • Where did Paddy Livingston die? What was the location of death?

    Cleveland, OH

Paddy Livingston Birthday and Date of Death

Paddy Livingston was born on January 14, 1880 and died on September 19, 1977. Patrick was 97 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 14, 1880
Date of Death: September 19, 1977
Age at Death: 97

Paddy Livingston - Biography

Patrick Joseph Livingston (January 14, 1880 – September 19, 1977) was a Major League Baseball catcher who played for seven seasons. He played for the Cleveland Blues in 1901, the Cincinnati Reds in 1906, the Philadelphia Athletics from 1909 to 1911, the Cleveland Naps in 1912, and the St. Louis Cardinals in 1917. He was also the last surviving player of the inaugural year for the American League.