Raul de Molina


Is Raul de Molina Dead or Still Alive? Raul de Molina Birthday and Age

Raul de Molina

How Old Is Raul de Molina? Raul de Molina Birthday

Raul de Molina was born on March 24, 1959 and is 65 years old now.

Birthday: March 24, 1959
How Old - Age: 65

Raul de Molina Death Fact Check

Raul is alive and kicking and is currently 65 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Raul de Molina - Biography

Raúl “El Gordo” De Molina (born March 29, 1959 in Cuba) is the multiple Emmy Award-winning co-host of the Univision Networks #1 rated entertainment news show El Gordo y la Flaca. A well-known television personality among spanish speakers in the USA, Raúl can be seen every weekday at 4pm EST as the host of Univision's "El Gordo y la Flaca", a show he has co-hosted with Lili Estefan since 1998. Estefan's and De Molina's popularity is demonstrated by the show's consistently high ratings. It has more viewers on its time slot than ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX combined.
His television career, spanning 21 years, includes hosting and reporting for well-known programs such as "Primer Impacto", "Ocurrio así", "Hola América", and "Club Telemundo", as well as primetime specials and his own productions. His television performances have earned him multiple Emmy awards.

Raúl is best known for his entertaining, energetic coverage of everything from the Latin Grammys in Las Vegas, to the World Cup in South Africa, to ringing in the New Year with his annual show live from Times Square. He covered the Royal Wedding, live from London in April.
His attention to detail and rare ability to capture a story has garnered him a host of awards and a sell-out exhibition at The Gary Nader Gallery in Miami. Raúl continues to document all of his many travels around the globe.
In 2003, Raúl published a book of all the celebrity interviews and exclusive photos he has taken of the world's best known celebrities and royals. In addition, he was a special contributor for the Spanish edition of Travel + Leisure magazine and has been featured in The New York Times Travel section.