Roger Miller


Is Roger Miller Dead or Still Alive? Roger Miller Birthday and Date of Death

Roger Miller

Roger Miller Death

Roger passed away on October 25, 1992 at the age of 56 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Roger's cause of death was throat cancer.

Roger Miller death quick facts:
  • When did Roger Miller die?

    October 25, 1992
  • How did Roger Miller die? What was the cause of death?

    Throat cancer
  • How old was Roger Miller when died?

  • Where did Roger Miller die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, USA

Roger Miller Birthday and Date of Death

Roger Miller was born on January 2, 1936 and died on October 25, 1992. Roger was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 2, 1936
Date of Death: October 25, 1992
Age at Death: 56

Is Roger Miller's father, Jean Miller, dead or alive?

Jean Miller's information is not available now.

Is Roger Miller's mother, Laudene Holt Miller, dead or alive?

Laudene Holt Miller's information is not available now.

Roger Miller - Biography

Roger Dean Miller, Sr. was an American singer, songwriter, musician and actor, best known for his honky-tonk-influenced novelty songs. His most recognized tunes included the chart-topping country/pop hits "King of the Road", "Dang Me" and "England Swings", all from the mid-1960s Nashville sound era.