Romi Koch


Is Romi Koch Dead or Still Alive? Romi Koch Birthday and Date of Death

Romi Koch

Romi Koch Death

Romi passed away on August 22, 2005 at the age of 27 in Ontario, Canada.

Romi Koch death quick facts:
  • When did Romi Koch die?

    August 22, 2005
  • How old was Romi Koch when died?

  • Where did Romi Koch die? What was the location of death?

    Ontario, Canada

Romi Koch Birthday and Date of Death

Romi Koch was born in 1978 and died on August 22, 2005. Romi was 27 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1978
Date of Death: August 22, 2005
Age at Death: 27

Romi Koch - Biography

Romi Koch was an actress who was born on 1978.
Romi Koch was an actress known for her role in Dead Doll she died on August 22, 2005. No one knows how she died which leaves us curious on how she died and if she's still alive. It's mysterious on what happened Who knows if she died or not, it leaves a mystery that needs to be solved.