How Old Is Rosanna Davison? Rosanna Davison Birthday
Rosanna Davison was born on April 17, 1984 and is 40 years old now.
Birthday: April 17, 1984
How Old - Age: 40
Rosanna Davison Death Fact Check
Rosanna is alive and kicking and is currently 40 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Rosanna Davison's father, Chris de Burgh, dead or alive?
Rosanna Davison's father, Chris de Burgh, is still alive and kicking at the age of 76. He is Irish and has had a career as a musician, singer-songwriter.
Is Rosanna Davison's mother, Diane Davison, dead or alive?
Rosanna Davison's mother, Diane Davison, is still alive and kicking.
Rosanna Davison's brothers :
Rosanna has 2 brothers:- Hubie
- Michael
Rosanna Davison - Biography
Rosanna Diane Davison is an Irish actress, singer, model and beauty queen who was the winner of the Miss World 2003 title. She is the daughter of musician Chris de Burgh, and the song "For Rosanna" was written by her father for his 1986 album, Into the Light in her honour.