Rosemarie Stack


Is Rosemarie Stack Dead or Still Alive? Rosemarie Stack Birthday and Date of Death

Rosemarie Stack

Rosemarie Stack Death

Rosemarie passed away on January 20, 2019 at the age of 86 in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.

Rosemarie Stack death quick facts:
  • When did Rosemarie Stack die?

    January 20, 2019
  • How old was Rosemarie Stack when died?

  • Where did Rosemarie Stack die? What was the location of death?

    Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

Rosemarie Stack Birthday and Date of Death

Rosemarie Stack was born on September 17, 1932 and died on January 20, 2019. Rosemarie was 86 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 17, 1932
Date of Death: January 20, 2019
Age at Death: 86

Is Rosemarie Stack's father, Dennis V. Bowe, dead or alive?

Dennis V. Bowe's information is not available now.

Is Rosemarie Stack's mother, Ruby Bowe, dead or alive?

Ruby Bowe's information is not available now.

Rosemarie Stack's sister :

  • Claire Bowe

Rosemarie Stack's brother :

  • Sidney Bowe

Rosemarie Stack - Biography

Rosemarie Bowe Stack (born Rose Marie Bowe) is a former American film and television actress.
Born in Butte, Montana, Bowe was primarily raised in Tacoma, Washington. She began her career modeling in Los Angeles, California, before being cast in uncredited bit parts. Her first major role was a supporting part in the 1954 adventure film The Adventures of Hajji Baba. She would have several lead roles before officially retiring from acting following her appearance in John Cassavetes' Big Trouble (1986).

On January 23, 1956, Bowe married Robert Stack in Beverly Hills Lutheran Church. The couple became the parents of a daughter, Elizabeth Langford Stack, on January 20, 1957. They shared mutual passions for the outdoors, especially sailing and riding. Rosemarie temporarily gave up her career when her children were young.
In October 1969, Bowe was in an automobile accident in Sacramento, California, and sustained serious internal injuries. She crashed into a concrete culvert because of a mechanical failure in the rental car she was driving. Kathleen Lund, the wife of Art Lund was killed in the accident. At the time, Stack was filming The Name of the Game. He chartered a flight to be with her. Art Lund filed a $750,000 wrongful death suit, alleging Stack was driving at an "excessive speed" during the accident.