Sally Blane


Is Sally Blane Dead or Still Alive? Sally Blane Birthday and Date of Death

Sally Blane

Sally Blane Death

Sally passed away on August 27, 1997 at the age of 87 in Los Angeles, California. Sally's cause of death was cancer.

Sally Blane death quick facts:
  • When did Sally Blane die?

    August 27, 1997
  • How did Sally Blane die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Sally Blane when died?

  • Where did Sally Blane die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California

Sally Blane Birthday and Date of Death

Sally Blane was born on July 11, 1910 and died on August 27, 1997. Sally was 87 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 11, 1910
Date of Death: August 27, 1997
Age at Death: 87

Is Sally Blane's father, John Earl Young, dead or alive?

John Earl Young's information is not available now.

Is Sally Blane's mother, Gladys Royal Young, dead or alive?

Gladys Royal Young's information is not available now.

Sally Blane's sisters :

Sally has 3 sisters:
  • Sally Blane's sister, Loretta Young, died on August 12, 2000 as he was 87 years old. His cause of death was ovarian cancer.

  • Sally Blane's sister, Georgiana Young, died on November 13, 2007 as he was 84 years old.

  • Sally Blane's sister, Polly Ann Young, died on January 21, 1997 as he was 88 years old. His cause of death was cancer.

Sally Blane - Biography

Sally Blane was an American actress. She appeared in over 70 movies.