Samuel Goldwyn


Is Samuel Goldwyn Dead or Still Alive? Samuel Goldwyn Birthday and Date of Death

Samuel Goldwyn

Samuel Goldwyn Death

Samuel passed away on January 31, 1974 at the age of 94 in Los Angeles, California. Samuel's cause of death was natural causes.

Samuel Goldwyn death quick facts:
  • When did Samuel Goldwyn die?

    January 31, 1974
  • How did Samuel Goldwyn die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Samuel Goldwyn when died?

  • Where did Samuel Goldwyn die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California

Samuel Goldwyn Birthday and Date of Death

Samuel Goldwyn was born on August 17, 1879 and died on January 31, 1974. Samuel was 94 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 17, 1879
Date of Death: January 31, 1974
Age at Death: 94

Is Samuel Goldwyn's father, Aaron David Gelbfisz, dead or alive?

Aaron David Gelbfisz's information is not available now.

Is Samuel Goldwyn's mother, Hannah Reban Jarecka, dead or alive?

Hannah Reban Jarecka's information is not available now.

Samuel Goldwyn - Biography

Samuel Goldwyn; August 17, 1879 - January 31, 1974), also known as Samuel Goldfish, was a Jewish Polish American film producer. He was most well known for being the founding contributor and executive of several motion picture studios in Hollywood. His awards include the 1973 Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award, the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award in 1947, and the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award in 1958.