Scarlet Rivera


Is Scarlet Rivera Dead or Still Alive? Scarlet Rivera Birthday and Age

Scarlet Rivera

How Old Is Scarlet Rivera? Scarlet Rivera Birthday

Scarlet Rivera was born in 1950 and is 75 years old now.

Birthday: 1950
How Old - Age: 75

Scarlet Rivera Death Fact Check

Donna is alive and kicking and is currently 75 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Scarlet Rivera - Biography

Scarlet Rivera, born Donna Shea, is an American violinist. She is best known for her work with Bob Dylan, in particular on his album Desire and as part of the Rolling Thunder Revue.
Bob Dylan is said to have discovered Rivera before the rehearsal for his 1975 Rolling Thunder Revue tour. After a session with her, Dylan invited Rivera to play on the Rolling Thunder Revue tour. Rivera has multiple CDs as a composer in numerous styles, instrumental, New Age, Celtic and world music. Rivera has performed in the US, Europe and Japan with her Celtic group. She also recorded and performed with Tracy Chapman, Indigo Girls, Kori Linae Carothers, Keb Mo and others. Rivera was a soloist with the Duke Ellington Orchestra at Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center and the Carnival of Venice, Italy. She continues to be an active recording artist, performer and composer.

She has also appeared on albums by Tracy Chapman (Crossroads), Keb Mo' (The Door), Dee Dee Bridgewater (Just Family), David Johansen (Funky but Chic), Ian McNabb (Head Like A Rock) Kori Carothers,' Trilium' and othersRecent workRivera has recently focused on New Age, Instrumental, World, and Celtic music. She has also toured in Japan with the group Ritual and recorded the album "Celtic" which was released in Japan. . She also played violin on the 2014 album After the Fall, by UK-based Dodson and FoggPersonal lifeRivera is of Irish-Sicilian ancestry. Scarlet was married in 1991 to the British session keyboardist Tommy Eyre. The marriage lasted until his death in 2001.