Scotty Moore Death
Scotty passed away on June 28, 2016 at the age of 84 in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S..
When did Scotty Moore die?
June 28, 2016How old was Scotty Moore when died?
84Where did Scotty Moore die? What was the location of death?
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.
Scotty Moore Birthday and Date of Death
Scotty Moore was born on December 27, 1931 and died on June 28, 2016. Scotty was 84 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: December 27, 1931
Date of Death: June 28, 2016
Age at Death: 84
Scotty Moore - Biography
Winfield Scott "Scotty" Moore III (December 27, 1931 – June 28, 2016) was an American guitarist and recording engineer. He is best known for his backing of Elvis Presley in the first part of his career, between 1954 and the beginning of Elvis's Hollywood years.Rock critic Dave Marsh credits Moore with the invention of power chording, on the 1957 Presley song "Jailhouse Rock", the intro of which Moore and drummer D.J. Fontana, according to the latter, "copped from a '40s swing version of 'The Anvil Chorus'." Moore was ranked 29th in Rolling Stone magazine's list of 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time in 2011. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000 and the Memphis Music Hall of Fame in 2015. The Rolling Stones' lead guitarist Keith Richards has said of Moore,When I heard "Heartbreak Hotel", I knew what I wanted to do in life. It was as plain as day. All I wanted to do in the world was to be able to play and sound like that. Everyone else wanted to be Elvis, I wanted to be Scotty.