Setsuzo Kotsuji


Is Setsuzo Kotsuji Dead or Still Alive? Setsuzo Kotsuji Birthday and Date of Death

Setsuzo Kotsuji

Setsuzo Kotsuji Death

Setsuzo passed away in 1973 at the age of 74 in Japan.

Setsuzo Kotsuji death quick facts:
  • When did Setsuzo Kotsuji die?

  • How old was Setsuzo Kotsuji when died?

  • Where did Setsuzo Kotsuji die? What was the location of death?


Setsuzo Kotsuji Birthday and Date of Death

Setsuzo Kotsuji was born in 1899 and died in 1973. Setsuzo was 74 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1899
Date of Death: 1973
Age at Death: 74

Setsuzo Kotsuji - Biography

Setsuzō Kotsuji (Hebrew: אברהם סצוזו קוצוג'י‎, Japanese: 小辻 節三, 1899, Kyoto - 1973) was a Hebrew professor in Japan, and the son of a Shinto priest who descended from a long line of Shinto priests. During the Holocaust he helped Jewish refugees to escape the Nazis, arranging for them to stay first in Kobe and later in Japanese-occupied Shanghai. He also fought against Nazi-inspired anti-Jewish propaganda. A book about how he helped Jewish refugees was written by Japanese actor Yamada Jundai and published in April 2013 by NHK Shuppan.