Silvia Navarro


Is Silvia Navarro Dead or Still Alive? Silvia Navarro Birthday and Age

Silvia Navarro

How Old Is Silvia Navarro? Silvia Navarro Birthday

Silvia Navarro was born on September 14, 1978 and is 46 years old now.

Birthday: September 14, 1978
How Old - Age: 46

Silvia Navarro Death Fact Check

Silvia is alive and kicking and is currently 46 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Silvia Navarro's father, José Luis Navarro Tinajero, dead or alive?

José Luis Navarro Tinajero's information is not available now.

Is Silvia Navarro's mother, Loyda, dead or alive?

Loyda's information is not available now.

Silvia Navarro's sister :

  • Dafne

Silvia Navarro's brothers :

Silvia has 2 brothers:
  • Luis Edgar Navarro
  • Eric Navarro

Silvia Navarro - Biography

Silvia Navarro is a Mexican actress of film, television, and theatre, primarily known for starring in several telenovelas. 2012 The Spanish People magazine named her one of "50 Most Beautiful".
Navarro's career began when she was still a baby, appearing in ads for different brands. As a child, she did casting for children's telenovela Carrusel and got a role, but had to quit to go live with her father in another city. On age 18, Navarro was the host of a game show called A la cachi, cachi porra, broadcast by Canal Once.

In 1998, she did casting for Azteca's telenovela Perla, and unexpectedly, won the leading role. After that she continued to appear in Azteca's telenovelas in a leading roles such as: Catalina y Sebastián, La calle de las novias, Cuando seas mía, La duda and La heredera.
In 2011, Navarro starred in the Comedy film Labios rojos, alongside Jorge Salinas, where she plays a woman who seeks by all means the solution to the sexual problems she has with her husband.
She returned to the small screen in 2012, starring in Amor bravío, produced by Carlos Moreno, and gave life to 'Camila', a strong woman who after a great tragedy seeks her life and destiny in the Hacienda 'La Malquerida'. Two years later, Navarro starred in the comedy Mi corazón es tuyo, a production of Juan Osorio, alongside Jorge Salinas and Mayrín Villanueva.