Susan Batson


Is Susan Batson Dead or Still Alive? Susan Batson Birthday and Age

Susan Batson

How Old Is Susan Batson? Susan Batson Birthday

Susan Batson was born in 1944 and is 80 years old now.

Birthday: 1944
How Old - Age: 80

Susan Batson Death Fact Check

Susan is alive and kicking and is currently 80 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Susan Batson - Biography

Susan Batson is an American producer, actress, author, acting coach, and a life member of the Actors Studio. Susan's mother, Ruth Batson, was a noted civil rights activist. She trained with Harold Clurman, Uta Hagen, Herbert Berghof, and Lee Strasberg. She coaches actresses such as Nicole Kidman and Juliette Binoche. Susan Batson is considered one of the most significant coaches in the world.