Tod Browning


Is Tod Browning Dead or Still Alive? Tod Browning Birthday and Date of Death

Tod Browning

Tod Browning Death

Tod passed away on October 6, 1962 at the age of 82 in Hollywood, California. Tod's cause of death was cancer.

Tod Browning death quick facts:
  • When did Tod Browning die?

    October 6, 1962
  • How did Tod Browning die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Tod Browning when died?

  • Where did Tod Browning die? What was the location of death?

    Hollywood, California

Tod Browning Birthday and Date of Death

Tod Browning was born on July 12, 1880 and died on October 6, 1962. Tod was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 12, 1880
Date of Death: October 6, 1962
Age at Death: 82

Is Tod Browning's father, Alfred Browning, dead or alive?

Alfred Browning's information is not available now.

Is Tod Browning's mother, Lilian Browning, dead or alive?

Lilian Browning's information is not available now.

Tod Browning - Biography

Tod Browning was an American motion picture actor, director and screenwriter. Browning's career spanned the silent and talkie eras. Best known as the director of Dracula, the cult classic Freaks (1932), and classic silent film collaborations with Lon Chaney, Browning directed many movies in a wide range of genres.