Vernita Green


Is Vernita Green Dead or Still Alive? Vernita Green Birthday and Date of Death

Vernita Green

Vernita Green Death

Vernita passed away in 2004.

Vernita Green death quick facts:
  • When did Vernita Green die?

  • How old was Vernita Green when died?


Vernita Green Birthday and Date of Death

Vernita Green died in 2004.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: 2004
Age at Death: -

Vernita Green - Biography

Kill Bill is a two-part action thriller film released in 2003 and 2004 by writer-director Quentin Tarantino, and starring Uma Thurman as The Bride. Originally conceived as one film, it was released in two "volumes" (in late 2003 and early 2004) due to its running time of approximately four hours and presented in a nonlinear narrative style, as is common among Tarantino's films.