Violeta Parra Death
Violeta passed away on February 5, 1967 at the age of 49 in Santiago, RM.
When did Violeta Parra die?
February 5, 1967How old was Violeta Parra when died?
49Where did Violeta Parra die? What was the location of death?
Santiago, RM
Violeta Parra Birthday and Date of Death
Violeta Parra was born on October 4, 1917 and died on February 5, 1967. Violeta was 49 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: October 4, 1917
Date of Death: February 5, 1967
Age at Death: 49
Is Violeta Parra's father, Nicanor Parra Alarcón, dead or alive?
Nicanor Parra Alarcón's information is not available now.
Is Violeta Parra's mother, Clarisa del Carmen Sandoval, dead or alive?
Clarisa del Carmen Sandoval's information is not available now.
Violeta Parra's sisters :
Violeta has 3 sisters:- Hilda Parra
- Elba Parra
- Olga Parra
Violeta Parra's brothers :
Violeta has 6 brothers:- Nicanor Parra
- Lalo Parra
- Roberto Parra
- Caupolicán Parra
- Lautaro Parra
- óscar Parra
Violeta Parra - Biography
Violeta del Carmen Parra Sandoval was a Chilean composer, songwriter, folklorist, ethnomusicologist and visual artist. She pioneered the "Chilean' New Song", the Nueva canción chilena, a renewal and a reinvention of Chilean folk music which would extend its sphere of influence outside Chile. In 2011 Andrés Wood directed a biopic about her, titled Violeta Went to Heaven.