W. D. Jones


Is W. D. Jones Dead or Still Alive? W. D. Jones Birthday and Date of Death

W. D. Jones

W. D. Jones Death

W passed away on August 20, 1974 at the age of 58 in Houston, Texas. W's cause of death was gunshot.

W. D. Jones death quick facts:
  • When did W. D. Jones die?

    August 20, 1974
  • How did W. D. Jones die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was W. D. Jones when died?

  • Where did W. D. Jones die? What was the location of death?

    Houston, Texas

W. D. Jones Birthday and Date of Death

W. D. Jones was born on May 12, 1916 and died on August 20, 1974. W was 58 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 12, 1916
Date of Death: August 20, 1974
Age at Death: 58

Is W. D. Jones's father, James Jones, dead or alive?

W. D. Jones's father, James Jones, is still alive and kicking at the age of 80. He is American and has had a career as a military man.

Is W. D. Jones's mother, Tookie Jones, dead or alive?

Tookie Jones's information is not available now.

W. D. Jones - Biography

William Daniel Jones was a member of the Barrow Gang, whose spree throughout the southern Midwest in the early years of the Great Depression became part of American criminal folklore. Jones ran with Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker for eight and a half months, from Christmas Eve 1932 to early September 1933. He was one of two gang members who were consolidated into the "C. W. Moss" character in the 1967 film Bonnie and Clyde. "Moss was a dumb kid who run errands and done what Clyde told him," he later said. "That was me, all right."
By age 15 or 16 W.D. Jones was known to the local police. He hung around the Barrows' service station on Eagle Ford Road, "entertained" older men, and collected license plates for LC's brothers to use on cars they stole; he was picked up in Dallas at least once "on suspicion" of car theft and was arrested with LC in Beaumont, Texas for car theft. On Christmas Eve 1932, Clyde Barrow and his friend Bonnie — already on the run, and glamorous outlaws to W.D. — stopped by home. Barrow was between assistants, and he and Parker brought Jones along with them when they left. The next afternoon in Temple, Texas, in a botched attempt at stealing a car, Jones or Barrow shot and killed the car's owner, grocery clerk Doyle Johnson, a 27-year-old new father. Newspaper accounts reported that the fatal shots came from the passenger side of the car. According to Jones, Barrow used this report to make sure Jones didn't leave the gang. Jones was indicted for Johnson's murder by a Bell County grand jury, but was not tried.

In February 1935 Jones and nineteen other family members and associates of Barrow and Parker were defendants in the federal government's test-case trial en masse for "harboring." He received the maximum sentence for harboring, two years, applied to run concurrently with his Texas sentence. After six years in the Huntsville penitentiary he was paroled.