Wally George


Is Wally George Dead or Still Alive? Wally George Birthday and Date of Death

Wally George

Wally George Death

Wally passed away on October 7, 2003 at the age of 71 in Fountain Valley, CA. Wally's cause of death was pneumonia.

Wally George death quick facts:
  • When did Wally George die?

    October 7, 2003
  • How did Wally George die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Wally George when died?

  • Where did Wally George die? What was the location of death?

    Fountain Valley, CA

Wally George Birthday and Date of Death

Wally George was born on December 4, 1931 and died on October 7, 2003. Wally was 71 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 4, 1931
Date of Death: October 7, 2003
Age at Death: 71

Is Wally George's father, Walter George Pearch, dead or alive?

Walter George Pearch's information is not available now.

Is Wally George's mother, Eugenia Clinchard, dead or alive?

Eugenia Clinchard's information is not available now.

Wally George - Biography

Wally George was an American conservative radio and television commentator. Calling himself the "Father of Combat TV," he was a fixture on Southern California television for three decades as the host of Hot Seat, which began as a local show on KDOC Channel 56, a local Southern California based UHF TV station in Anaheim, Orange County, California in 1983.