Ödön Pártos Death
Ödön passed away on July 6, 1977 at the age of 69 in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Ödön Pártos death quick facts:
When did Ödön Pártos die?
July 6, 1977How old was Ödön Pártos when died?
69Where did Ödön Pártos die? What was the location of death?
Tel Aviv, Israel
Ödön Pártos Birthday and Date of Death
Ödön Pártos was born on October 1, 1907 and died on July 6, 1977. Ödön was 69 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: October 1, 1907
Date of Death: July 6, 1977
Age at Death: 69
Ödön Pártos - Biography
Ödön Pártos [alternate English transcription: Oedeon Partos; Hungarian: Pártos Ödön, Hebrew: עֵדֶן פרטוש (Eden Partosh)] (October 1, 1907 in Budapest – July 6, 1977 in Tel Aviv) was a Hungarian-Israeli violist and composer. A recipient of the Israel Prize, he taught and served as director of the Rubin Academy of Music in Tel Aviv.