Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen


Is Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen Dead or Still Alive? Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen Birthday and Date of Death

Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen

Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen Death

Adelaide passed away on December 2, 1849 at the age of 57 in Bentley Priory, Middlesex, England.

Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen death quick facts:
  • When did Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen die?

    December 2, 1849
  • How old was Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen when died?

  • Where did Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen die? What was the location of death?

    Bentley Priory, Middlesex, England

Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen Birthday and Date of Death

Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen was born on August 13, 1792 and died on December 2, 1849. Adelaide was 57 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 13, 1792
Date of Death: December 2, 1849
Age at Death: 57

Is Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen's father, George I, dead or alive?

George I's information is not available now.

Is Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen's mother, Luise Eleonore of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, dead or alive?

Luise Eleonore of Hohenlohe-Langenburg's information is not available now.

Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen - Biography

Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen was the queen consort of the United Kingdom and of Hanover as spouse of William IV of the United Kingdom. Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia, is named after her.