Albert Paulsen


Is Albert Paulsen Dead or Still Alive? Albert Paulsen Birthday and Date of Death

Albert Paulsen

Albert Paulsen Death

Albert passed away on April 25, 2004 at the age of 78 in Los Angeles, California. Albert's cause of death was natural causes.

Albert Paulsen death quick facts:
  • When did Albert Paulsen die?

    April 25, 2004
  • How did Albert Paulsen die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Albert Paulsen when died?

  • Where did Albert Paulsen die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California

Albert Paulsen Birthday and Date of Death

Albert Paulsen was born on December 13, 1925 and died on April 25, 2004. Albert was 78 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 13, 1925
Date of Death: April 25, 2004
Age at Death: 78

Albert Paulsen - Biography

Albert Paulsen (b. Albert Paulson, 13 December 1925, Guayaquil, Ecuador — d. 25 April 2004, Los Angeles, California) was an Ecuadorian-American actor who appeared in many American television series beginning in the 1960s, playing characters primarily of European origin. He died from natural causes at the age of 78. A life member of The Actors Studio, Paulsen won an Emmy Award in 1964 for the Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre presentation One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, an historical novel by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.