Anne Brontë


Is Anne Brontë Dead or Still Alive? Anne Brontë Birthday and Date of Death

Anne Brontë

Anne Brontë Death

Anne passed away on May 28, 1849 at the age of 29.

Anne Brontë death quick facts:
  • When did Anne Brontë die?

    May 28, 1849
  • How old was Anne Brontë when died?


Anne Brontë Birthday and Date of Death

Anne Brontë was born on January 17, 1820 and died on May 28, 1849. Anne was 29 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 17, 1820
Date of Death: May 28, 1849
Age at Death: 29

Is Anne Brontë's father, Patrick Bronte, dead or alive?

Patrick Bronte's information is not available now.

Is Anne Brontë's mother, Maria Bronte, dead or alive?

Maria Bronte's information is not available now.

Anne Brontë's sisters :

Anne has 4 sisters:
  • Anne Brontë's sister, Emily Bronte, died on December 19, 1848 as he was 30 years old. His cause of death was tuberculosis.

  • Anne Brontë's sister, Charlotte Bronte, is still alive and kicking. She is English and has had a career as an author.

  • Maria Bronte
  • Elizabeth Bronte

Anne Brontë's brother :

  • Branwell Bronte

Anne Brontë - Biography

Anne Brontë was an English novelist and poet, the youngest member of the Brontë literary family.