Bill Cullen


Is Bill Cullen Dead or Still Alive? Bill Cullen Birthday and Date of Death

Bill Cullen

Bill Cullen Death

Bill passed away on July 7, 1990 at the age of 70 in Bel Air, California, U.S.. Bill's cause of death was lung cancer.

Bill Cullen death quick facts:
  • When did Bill Cullen die?

    July 7, 1990
  • How did Bill Cullen die? What was the cause of death?

    Lung cancer
  • How old was Bill Cullen when died?

  • Where did Bill Cullen die? What was the location of death?

    Bel Air, California, U.S.

Bill Cullen Birthday and Date of Death

Bill Cullen was born on February 18, 1920 and died on July 7, 1990. Bill was 70 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 18, 1920
Date of Death: July 7, 1990
Age at Death: 70

Is Bill Cullen's father, William Cullen, dead or alive?

William Cullen's information is not available now.

Is Bill Cullen's mother, Lillian Cullen, dead or alive?

Lillian Cullen's information is not available now.

Bill Cullen - Biography

William Lawrence Francis "Bill" Cullen was an American radio and television personality whose career spanned five decades. His biggest claim to fame was as a game show host, and over the course of his career he hosted twenty-three shows and earned the nickname "Dean of Game Show Hosts". In addition to his hosting duties, Cullen also appeared as a panelist/celebrity guest on many other game shows including regular appearances on I've Got a Secret and To Tell the Truth.