How Old Is David Dean Shulman? David Dean Shulman Birthday
David Dean Shulman was born on January 13, 1949 and is 76 years old now.
Birthday: January 13, 1949
How Old - Age: 76
David Dean Shulman Death Fact Check
David is alive and kicking and is currently 76 years old.
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David Dean Shulman - Biography
David Dean Shulman (born January 13, 1949 in Waterloo, Iowa) is an Indologist and regarded as one of the world’s foremost authorities on the languages of India. His research embraces many fields, including the history of religion in South India, Indian poetics, Tamil Islam, Dravidian linguistics, and Carnatic music. He is also a published poet in Hebrew, a literary critic, a cultural anthropologist, and a peace activist. He was formerly Professor of Indian Studies and Comparative Religion at The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and professor in the Department of Indian, Iranian and Armenian Studies, and now holds an appointment as Renee Lang Professor of Humanistic Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He has authored or co-authored more than 20 books on various subjects ranging from temple myths and temple poems to essays that cover the wide spectrum of the cultural history of South India.