Dawn French


Is Dawn French Dead or Still Alive? Dawn French Birthday and Age

Dawn French

How Old Is Dawn French? Dawn French Birthday

Dawn French was born on October 11, 1957 and is 67 years old now.

Birthday: October 11, 1957
How Old - Age: 67

Dawn French Death Fact Check

Dawn is alive and kicking and is currently 67 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Dawn French's father, Denys French, dead or alive?

Denys French's information is not available now.

Is Dawn French's mother, Felicity O'Brien, dead or alive?

Felicity O'Brien's information is not available now.

Dawn French's brother :

  • Gary French

Dawn French - Biography

Dawn Roma French is an English actress, writer, and comedian, best known for starring in and writing for the comedy sketch show French and Saunders with comedy partner Jennifer Saunders and for playing the lead role as Geraldine Granger in the sitcom The Vicar of Dibley. French has been nominated for seven BAFTA Awards and also won a Fellowship BAFTA with Jennifer Saunders.
In films, French played The Fat Lady in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, replacing Elizabeth Spriggs, who played the character in the first film of the series. French's then-husband, Lenny Henry, provided the voice of the Shrunken Head in the same film, though they shared no screen time. In 2005 French provided the voice for the character Mrs. Beaver in Disney and Walden Media's film adaptation of C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. In 2010, French lent her voice to the role of Angie the Elephant in the environmental animated film Animals United. In 1996 French appeared in The Adventures of Pinocchio as "The Baker's Wife" alongside Martin Landau and Home Improvement star Jonathan Taylor Thomas.

French met Lenny Henry on the alternative comedy circuit. The couple married on 20 October 1984 in Covent Garden, London. They adopted a daughter, Billie. French has stated that Billie has always known that she was adopted, but once took out an injunction when a biographer came close to revealing the identity of Billie's biological mother. When faced with a question about how she and Henry would feel if Billie wanted to find out about her birth mother, French commented, "Whatever she wants to do when she's 18, we'll support her. What I do worry about is anyone else making the decision for her."
On 6 April 2010, French and Henry announced they were separating after 25 years of marriage. It was reported that the separation was amicable. They had decided to separate in October the previous year but left it until then as they were still in discussion over the separation. Their divorce was finalised in 2010.
French began dating charity worker Mark Bignell in 2011. On 22 April 2013 it was reported that they had just married. The couple reside in Fowey, Cornwall, in a mansion with 40 rooms overlooking Readymoney Cove and neighbouring Poldridmouth Cove. The grade II-listed building dates back to the 19th century.