Earl Anthony


Is Earl Anthony Dead or Still Alive? Earl Anthony Birthday and Date of Death

Earl Anthony

Earl Anthony Death

Earl passed away on August 14, 2001 at the age of 63 in New Berlin, Wisconsin, USA.

Earl Anthony death quick facts:
  • When did Earl Anthony die?

    August 14, 2001
  • How old was Earl Anthony when died?

  • Where did Earl Anthony die? What was the location of death?

    New Berlin, Wisconsin, USA

Earl Anthony Birthday and Date of Death

Earl Anthony was born on April 27, 1938 and died on August 14, 2001. Earl was 63 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 27, 1938
Date of Death: August 14, 2001
Age at Death: 63

Earl Anthony - Biography

Earl Roderick Anthony (April 27, 1938 – August 14, 2001) was a left-handed American professional bowler who amassed records of 43 titles and six bowler of the year awards on the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) Tour. His title count was amended to 43 in 2008, when the PBA chose to include ABC Masters titles earned by a PBA member as PBA Tour titles. He is widely credited (along with Dick Weber) for having increased bowling's popularity in the United States. He was the first bowler to earn over $100,000 in a season (1975), and the first to reach $1,000,000 in lifetime PBA earnings (1982). His ten professional major titles—six PBA National Championships, two Firestone Tournament of Champions titles, and two ABC Masters (now USBC Masters) titles—are tied with Pete Weber for the most by any bowler.