Edward IV of England Death
Edward passed away on April 9, 1483 at the age of 40 in Westminster, UK.
When did Edward IV of England die?
April 9, 1483How old was Edward IV of England when died?
40Where did Edward IV of England die? What was the location of death?
Westminster, UK
Edward IV of England Birthday and Date of Death
Edward IV of England was born on April 28, 1442 and died on April 9, 1483. Edward was 40 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: April 28, 1442
Date of Death: April 9, 1483
Age at Death: 40
Is Edward IV of England's father, Richard of York, dead or alive?
Richard of York's information is not available now.
Is Edward IV of England's mother, Cecily Neville, dead or alive?
Cecily Neville's information is not available now.
Edward IV of England's sisters :
Edward has 5 sisters:Edward IV of England's sister, Margaret of York, died on November 23, 1503 as he was 57 years old.
- Anne of York
- Duchess of Exeter
Edward IV of England's sister, Elizabeth of York, died on February 11, 1503 as he was 37 years old. His cause of death was puerperal fever.
- Duchess of Suffolk
Edward IV of England's brothers :
Edward has 5 brothers:- Edmund
- Earl of Rutland
- George Plantagenet
- 1st Duke of Bedford
Edward IV of England's brother, Richard III of England, died on August 22, 1485 as he was 32 years old. His cause of death was battlefield.
Edward IV of England - Biography
Edward IV was King of England from 4 March 1461 until 3 October 1470, and again from 11 April 1471 until his death. He was the first Yorkist King of England. The first half of his rule was characterised by violence, but he overcame the remaining Lancastrian threat at Tewkesbury to reign in peace until his sudden death. Before becoming King he was 4th Duke of York, 7th Earl of March, 5th Earl of Cambridge, and 9th Earl of Ulster. He was also the 65th Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece.