Margaret of York Death
Margaret passed away on November 23, 1503 at the age of 57.
When did Margaret of York die?
November 23, 1503How old was Margaret of York when died?
Margaret of York Birthday and Date of Death
Margaret of York was born on May 3, 1446 and died on November 23, 1503. Margaret was 57 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: May 3, 1446
Date of Death: November 23, 1503
Age at Death: 57
Is Margaret of York's father, Richard Plantagenet, dead or alive?
Richard Plantagenet's information is not available now.
Is Margaret of York's mother, Cecily Neville, dead or alive?
Cecily Neville's information is not available now.
Margaret of York's sisters :
Margaret has 4 sisters:- Anne of York
- Duchess of Exeter
Margaret of York's sister, Elizabeth of York, died on February 11, 1503 as he was 37 years old. His cause of death was puerperal fever.
- Duchess of Suffolk
Margaret of York's brothers :
Margaret has 6 brothers:Margaret of York's brother, Edward IV of England, died on April 9, 1483 as he was 40 years old.
- Edmund
- Earl of Rutland
- George Plantagenet
- 1st Duke of Clarence
Margaret of York's brother, Richard III of England, died on August 22, 1485 as he was 32 years old. His cause of death was battlefield.
Margaret of York - Biography
Margaret of York, Duchess of Burgundy - also by marriage known as Margaret of Burgundy - was a daughter of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, and Cecily Neville. She was Duchess of Burgundy as the third wife of Charles the Bold and acted as a protector of the Duchy after his death. She was also the sister of two Kings of England, Edward IV and Richard III. She was born at Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire, England, and she died at Mechelen in the Low Countries.