Elaine Bilstad


Is Elaine Bilstad Dead or Still Alive? Elaine Bilstad Birthday and Date of Death

Elaine Bilstad

Elaine Bilstad Death

Elaine passed away on January 30, 1999 at the age of 33.

Elaine Bilstad death quick facts:
  • When did Elaine Bilstad die?

    January 30, 1999
  • How old was Elaine Bilstad when died?


Elaine Bilstad Birthday and Date of Death

Elaine Bilstad was born on September 13, 1965 and died on January 30, 1999. Elaine was 33 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 13, 1965
Date of Death: January 30, 1999
Age at Death: 33

Elaine Bilstad - Biography

Birth: Sep. 13, 1965Death: Jan. 30, 1999Elaine Bilstad was an actress, known for An American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island (1998), The Broken Chain (1993) and What Price Victory (1988). Inscription:Peace on Earth..loving..cherished daughter, sister aunt and best of friends Note: In our hearts forever..never to be forgotten