Elizabeth Tudor


Is Elizabeth Tudor Dead or Still Alive? Elizabeth Tudor Birthday and Date of Death

Elizabeth Tudor

Elizabeth Tudor Death

Elizabeth passed away on September 14, 1495 at the age of 3.

Elizabeth Tudor death quick facts:
  • When did Elizabeth Tudor die?

    September 14, 1495
  • How old was Elizabeth Tudor when died?


Elizabeth Tudor Birthday and Date of Death

Elizabeth Tudor was born on July 2, 1492 and died on September 14, 1495. Elizabeth was 3 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 2, 1492
Date of Death: September 14, 1495
Age at Death: 3

Is Elizabeth Tudor's father, Henry VII of England, dead or alive?

Elizabeth Tudor's father, Henry VII of England, died on April 21, 1509 as he was 52 years old.

Is Elizabeth Tudor's mother, Elizabeth of York, dead or alive?

Elizabeth Tudor's mother, Elizabeth of York, died on February 11, 1503 as she was 37 years old. Her cause of death was puerperal fever.

Elizabeth Tudor's sisters :

Elizabeth has 3 sisters:
  • Elizabeth Tudor's sister, Margaret Tudor, died on October 18, 1541 as he was 51 years old.

  • Mary Tudor
  • Queen of France

Elizabeth Tudor's brothers :

Elizabeth has 2 brothers:
  • Arthur Tudor
  • Henry VIII of England

Elizabeth Tudor - Biography

Elizabeth Tudor was a Princess, the second daughter and fourth child of Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York and aunt of Queen Elizabeth I of England.